Waves splashing at sunset


Talk therapy:

In one-on-one sessions, we work more deeply on things in your life that are causing you distress, dissatisfaction or that are keeping you feeling 'stuck'.

Maybe you need support with anxiety, depression, burnout or trauma. You might want to create more meaningful connections within your relationships. You may be managing external pressures like work stress/instability or a major life/situation change.

Trauma counselling - if you have experienced trauma in your life (as many people have), you may find yourself struggling to manage or understand your emotions or find it difficult not to be impacted by past events. You may find your reactions to some situations aren't working for you or that you feel unsafe or struggle to trust others. You might find it impacts your self-esteem and beliefs about yourself or you might be feeling low, flat or anxious. This can be incredibly stressful and effects every aspect of life from relationships to work.

Talk therapy can support in understanding how trauma or past experiences are impacting your patterns of behaviour and choices. It helps support in rebuilding through strategies to cope, understanding and managing intense emotions and goal setting and working towards a life that feels meaningful, safe and happy.

If you would like to explore if this type of therapy may suit you, please reach out for a 15 minute introduction call and we can have a chat.

EMDR therapy:

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy (known as EMDR) can be used along with talk therapy to manage distressing memories.

Traumatic memories can remain 'present' for a long time after they happen and it's often not a case of 'getting past it' or 'putting it behind us' as our brain stores these memories differently. We can think of them as being frozen in time and often feeling fresh emotionally, often easily triggered.

EMDR can be suitable for singular events/memories (e.g. an injury, car accident, single violent event etc.) or memories over a period of time (e.g. abusive relationships, ongoing bullying etc.). There is no 'wrong' or 'too small' distressing memory.

Who EMDR is for:

EMDR is effective at working on memories, deeply held negative beliefs and intense emotions linked to:
  • Trauma (or traumatic events) and PTSD.
  • Anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Depression.
  • Addiction.
  • Stress.
  • Grief and complex grief - Note: EMDR does not erase memories of a person (which is a common fear) but instead can make intense emotions more manageable.
  • How it works:

    EMDR works by reprocessing traumatic or distressing memories by using what's called bilateral stimulation. This is usually a series of quick eye movements, but there are also other forms including hand tapping and sounds.

    Instead of deeply explaining past events or traumas, during EMDR you focus briefly on the distressing memories along with performing the eye movements. This desensitises by reducing how vivid the memory is and the emotion associated with the memory. It also encourages us to reprocess the memory in a way that allows it to be remembered with distance and perspective rather than feeling as though it is happening right now.

    EMDR is evidence based and has a wide range of applications on difficult memories. It does not cause you to forget, but instead allows you freedom to move forward from these events and reduce the impact on your day to day life. EMDR is used in conjunction with talk therapy to manage the effects the trauma has had on your life, create healthy coping strategies and build your goals moving forward.

    This video is from the EMDR Association of Australia and gives an EMDR overview. Please reach out for more information.

    Please note: there are some past conditions or symptoms that are not suitable for EMDR and I will always discuss with you up front to ensure your wellbeing and that we've found the right fit of support for your experiences.


    Email: naomi@counsellingcorner.com.au

    Phone: +61 431 223 552

    Location: 185 Elizabeth Street, Sydney or via Telehealth

    If you would like to arrange a call to see if we will be a good fit or if you have any questions, please select the free 15 min call option below to select a time.

    Book Appointment Book Free 15min Call
    Naomi Kerr

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    Designed and Built by Kate Hobbs
